An Update on COVID-19 From Our Home to Yours!

Happy Friday everyone!

I understand that the world seems very unsettled right now and my hope for each one of you is that there will soon be a sense of peace. I wanted to update you with respect to A Body In Motion, our team, and what we are doing to keep you all safe, healthy and on the road to recovery with respect to your injuries. These are things that have, for 20 years, been a very important part of my clinics and we have never wavered. Every person that comes into A Body In Motion can rest assured that they are coming into a place where we have always strictly followed infection control protocols. We remain vigilant and strictly adhere to the requirements put in place by the Ontario Physiotherapy Association, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and the Ontario Government. Currently, these organizations have NOT recommended closure of services and for this reason, we will continue to care for you in the way that you have come to expect from us!

We welcome patients of all ages into our clinics and for this reason, it is our obligation to protect everyone that comes to A Body In Motion, especially those patients who are most vulnerable. We are also a very small family of practitioners and it is important to me that I keep my work family safe and healthy. If you are unwell, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will reschedule your appointments. We are also very committed to getting you back on track once you are feeling better. As well, I am asking that anyone who has traveled outside of Canada, to please honor the recommendation by the Canadian Government to self-isolate for 14 days and refrain from visiting us. As mentioned, we will work diligently to assist you down your road to recovery when you return.

I want to personally thank my team, our incredible patients and all those who are working hard to keep everyone safe and healthy. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

Be well!


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