Happy Wednesday!

Today is a perfect day to change your focus! With yesterday behind us and the pen in hand, we have the ability to change that next chapter! How would you write it? Would you shift your mindset? Would you prioritize differently? Would you give less thought to the things that cannot be changed and more thought to the things that can? Would you stand a little taller, walk a little prouder? Would you own your “YOU” or would you spruce it up a little?

Life has definitely “altered” the course of our stories and it has given us something that, in order to move forward, we must make changes! A wonderfully wise man once said “No dress rehearsal…this is our life”! Take a moment today…or several…to think about your story and possibly change your focus! The very best part…YOU hold the pen!

#nodressrehearsal #writeandrewrite #maketodayawesome #writeyourstory #bebrave #wevegothis #inthistogether  #slaythisday #itsallforyou  #leadbyexample #abodyinmotion #ABIM #physiotherapy #pelvicphysiotherapy #vestibularrehab #massagetherapy #virtualrehab

We're Moving!


Please note, as of the end of this year our Waterloo clinic at 430 The Boardwalk will be moving to our Kitchener location at 289 Victoria St. North. All our amazing staff and services will be available at the Kitchener location. We look forward to seeing you there!

The ABIM Team

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