Men Have Pelvic Floors Too!

Often times, when the conversation goes to pelvic health, we immediately focus on females and having babies! Yes, these are definitely important reasons to see a pelvic health physiotherapist, but as you have seen in this week’s pelvic segment on our social…there are SO many more reasons to befriend a pelvic physio!

Today…we talk MEN! Our understanding of the male pelvic floor has evolved over centuries! Some interesting facts:

  • In 400 BC, it was believed that AIR flowed into the penis to cause an erection. It was not until 1519 that it was determined that blood flow was actually responsible for an erection.
  • In AD 47, an electric eel was used to gain an anal contraction.
  • In 1901, the pelvic floor muscles were linked to penile erection.
  • In 1930, pelvic floor muscle exercises were first taught.   (Dorey, G., 2006)

As a society, we have long found it more comfortable to discuss female pelvic health in comparison to males and in doing so, we have done an incredible disservice. The research on men’s pelvic health has fallen behind and as a result, many males suffer in silence. Unfortunately, the right questions are not being asked. As a result, men are being left feeling confused, isolated and unsupported

At A Body In Motion Rehab, we are committed to breaking down the barriers, asking the right questions, and supporting our male clients through their pelvic health journey with respect and dignity! Common conditions treated by our pelvic physiotherapists include:

  • Post-prostatectomy incontinence
  • Pelvic pain and penile pain syndromes
  • Tight pelvic floor or feeling of heaviness
  • Symptoms of bladder/bowel retention
  • Leaking urine when you cough/laugh/sneeze/exercise
  • Pain in lower abdomen, groin, scrotum, or penis
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Chronic constipation
  • Incontinence and nocturia (excessive urination at night)
  • Benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate)
  • Difficult recovery from prostatectomy
  • Prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)

You do not have to suffer in silence! Talk to us…you will be glad that you did!

#abodyinmotion #ABIM #ABIMPelvicPhysiotherapyCentre #pelvicphysiotherapy #pelvicphysio #pelvicpain #malepelvicpain #prostatitis #incontinence #boweldysfunction #bladderbowelretention #painduringintercourse #erectiledysfunction #constipation #nocturia #benignprostatehyperplasia #prostatectomy #prostateinflammation #postprostatectomyincontinence #menhavepelvicfloorstoo


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