Having Surgery? Consider Pre and Post Rehab!
Post surgical rehab is a very common recommendation of many surgeons. Post operative physiotherapy has many benefits, one of which is helping patients safely return to daily activity and normal exercise. The physiotherapists at A Body In Motion Rehabilitation provide patients with a very thorough post surgical assessment and develop a treatment plan specific to
Well That Was A Lot of Snow!!!
After a day like yesterday, it seems like the perfect time to discuss snow shoveling. Shoveling can actually be a great outdoor fitness activity but you need to be sure you’re taking some precautions or you can end up with a painful injury. The following is a list of things to consider before heading out
Tension Headaches Got You Feeling Down?
Many of us experience tension headaches on a regular basis and especially during the business of the Christmas season and anticipating what lies ahead in the New Year! Some of the common symptoms of a tension headache are: mild to moderate dull or aching pain, pressure behind the eyes, tightness in neck and shoulders and scalp
Core Strengthening You Say?
Do you dream of having six pack abs but figure it’ll never happen so you give up trying??? A strong core is extremely important and means much more than rocking a washboard stomach at the beach! Core strength is important throughout your life. It provides stability for your entire body and gives you better balance
Baby, It’s Cold Outside!
Well as much as I hate to say it the cooler weather is here…with the dark chilly mornings and the early sunsets it can be difficult to find the motivation to stick with your daily workouts. Need some tips? 1. Find a workout partner Partners, whether in person or virtual can help keep you
A Real Pain in the…Back!
Did you know that back pain is one of the most common reasons people visit their doctor? Many of us have suffered from back pain. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help prevent back pain and there are many treatment options.Low back pain can range from a dull ache to a shooting, burning
Support Your Physiotherapy With Good Food Choices!!
If you have an injury and you’re going to A Body In Motion Rehabilitation for physiotherapy and resting and following your home exercise program then there’s nothing more you can do to help speed up the healing process, right??? Actually, there is something more you can do. Fortunately, certain foods can help reduce the amount
Arthritis Awareness Day – October 12, 2021
October 12th is World Arthritis Awareness Day so we wanted to take this opportunity to share how we at A Body In Motion Rehabilitation can help if you have arthritis. There are two major forms of arthritis: osteoarthritis which occurs when the cartilages between joints are damaged and rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease that
Got sore feet??
I think I may have plantar fasciitis….now what? Plantar fasciitis is a very common cause of heel pain. It is caused from inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes. Your plantar fascia is important because it supports the arch of your
The NASA Space Apps Challenge is a global hackathon where coders, scientists, designers, storytellers, makers, builders, technologists, and space enthusiasts in cities around the world use NASA’s open data to build innovative solutions to solve some of the world’s most complex challenges. 25,000 plus participants from 148 countries participated in this virtual 39-hour hackathon in
Don’t Forget Your Zzzzzzz’s
One thing we don’t always think of when trying to heal from an injury is the importance of sleep. One of the main reasons why sleep helps to promote healing is because growth hormone production happens when we sleep. These growth hormones help with cell production, cell and tissue regeneration and regulation of your metabolism.
It’s “Back to the Backpack” Time!
With back-to-school quickly approaching many of us are pulling out the backpacks or shopping for a new one for the upcoming school year. Even if you’re not a student, many people wear backpacks to carry all their essentials for the day. Over time these backpacks can cause strain on our spines and can lead to