You Can Mo Your Own Way!!!

Although 98% of the ABIM Team is female, and we have not yet mastered the growth of facial hair, we decided to take mask wearing and combine it with our Pelvic Physiotherapy Team’s dedication to Men’s Health and “Mo Our Own Way”!

Since 2003, “Movember has funded more than 1250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up research and motivating men to take action for their health”

 The ABIM Pelvic Physio Team works daily with individuals who have had prostate cancer or testicular cancer and are dealing with pelvic pain, post-prostatectomy incontinence, erectile dysfunction, testicular pain syndromes, benign prostate hyperplasia and tight pelvic floor muscles.

We are partners in promoting the importance of men’s health as both advocates and as practitioners. “Our fathers, partners, brothers, sons, and friends are dying too young”! So, when you see our “stashes”, know that we have joined forces with the Mo’s all around the world, sharing a common goal of changing these stats! We are better together!! So grab a stache or grow a stache and join ABIM as we support Movember!!

#movember #menshealth #MoSister #MoBro #wearastash #prostatecancer #testicularcancer #mentalhealth #suicideprevention #movember2020 #postprostatectomy #menspelvicphysiotherapy #bettertogether #teamwork #abodyinmotion #abodyinmotionpelvicphysiotherapycentre #pelvicphysio

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