It Is Always OK To Ask For Help!

Our Pelvic Floor PT Laura shares a personal healing journey that reminds us that it is always ok to ask for help! ❤️⁣⁣⁣

Posted @withregram • @pelvicphysiobylaura #realtalktuesday ⁣⁣

Six months ago I ended up in the emergency room with severe abdominal pain. My appendix decided that a global pandemic was as good of a time as any to need to be removed. I had an emergency lap appendectomy, and to be honest it was a scary experience. I was completely blindsided by the symptoms, I went to sleep fine and less than 24 hours later I was in surgery, and since then, it’s definitely been a journey to recovery.

⁣⁣I wasn’t scheduled for a 6 week follow up, probably because of covid, but my surgeon told me I could go back to work after 10-14 days and exercise after 6 weeks. I went back to work after 10 days and it was tough, I was exhausted, but I managed. Going back to exercise was an entirely different story. I tried to go back at 8 weeks and I was in too much pain. By 10 weeks post surgery, I was only able to do light exercise once a week and I was having really intense rib pain and the fatigue was extreme. ⁣⁣I would be lying if I said it wasn’t incredibly frustrating.

I kept wondering why it was taking so long when other people “bounce back” from these surgeries. I kept wondering what I was doing wrong and why I just couldn’t get myself to heal the way I wanted. I finally went back to see my (very wonderful) PFPT, and she was able to advocate to my doctor to get some testing done for me, which as it turned out, was necessary to uncover some of what was going on.

Even as a healthcare professional, I felt confused about how to take these steps for my own recovery. ⁣⁣Now six months later, I feel like I am finally on the mend, and just finished (hopefully) my last medical test yesterday. ⁣⁣This year has been hard (#pandemicburnout). Healing can be hard. Healing during this year seems to be particularly hard, at least for me. So whether you’re trying to heal physically or mentally, give yourself some grace, it will probably take time, but that doesn’t mean you are doing it wrong. Most importantly, if you need help, please ask for it, you are not alone✨

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