Kiddies Need Pelvic Physiotherapy Too!

Incontinence is a common problem in childhood. One in five otherwise healthy five-year old’s and one in seven school age children are incontinent during the day or night. Enuresis (bedwetting) afflicts 5 to 10 % of children below the age of ten years and can also be experienced by older children and teenagers. If a child continues to experience symptoms at 5 years of age or older, active treatment should be sought out.

Concerned parents are often told “don’t worry, your child will grow out of it” or “they won’t go to University wetting the bed”. However, a history of childhood bedwetting seems to increase the risk of having UI, stress UI and fecal incontinence. Being aware of this association may provide an opportunity to avoid exposing these patients to additional risk factors for these condition (Gurbuz, A. et al., April 2005).

Pediatric Incontinence Including Daytime Leakage and/or Bedwetting Dysfunctional Elimination in children occurs when the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) are not working together with the bladder and/or bowel, and the normal voiding or emptying reflexes may have been disrupted. This can lead to a chronic abnormal pattern of elimination which does not allow the bladder or bowel to empty completely. Some children experience difficulty urinating or controlling their bladder function, frequent bladder infections, constipation, not urinating enough during the day, or an inability to sense bladder fullness. Children may periodically have leakage during the day or wake up wet in the morning or both. This can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. If your child has experienced any of the above symptoms, there is help available!

And it is not all work…we have fun too! Animated surface biofeedback may also be used to teach your child how to relax the pelvic floor muscles while emptying his/her bowel or bladder and strengthen the muscles in between voids. A specific home program will be developed for your child. Using the tools of education and exercise about the basic mechanisms that control the bladder and bowel, your child will be taught the correct way to utilize the pelvic floor muscles, which allows your child to control elimination. Therapy continues with your child learning correct postures for toileting, foods that may be irritating to the bladder and how to create a regular pattern of filling and emptying the bladder through a toileting schedule. Therapy can help your child achieve dry days and dry nights.

Visit our website at to learn more about pediatric pelvic health!

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We're Moving!


Please note, as of the end of this year our Waterloo clinic at 430 The Boardwalk will be moving to our Kitchener location at 289 Victoria St. North. All our amazing staff and services will be available at the Kitchener location. We look forward to seeing you there!

The ABIM Team

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