The Dreaded Paperwork!!

So you’ve made an initial assessment appointment to see one of our therapists and you hear our amazing admin staff say, “wonderful, so we will see you Thursday and in the meantime, I am going to send you some paperwork and would love it if you can complete it and return it to us PRIOR to your appointment”! ?⁣⁣


Believe it or not, we are not checking your penmanship or your computer skills!! We are not assessing your ability to follow requests! And we most certainly are not trying to add to your already crazy day! ?⁣⁣

What we are doing is trying to learn as much about you, your health history and the concerns that you would like us to help you with, prior to your arrival! This allows us to begin planning your success, before you even arrive!! ?⁣⁣

It also gives us even more time to focus on you and your assessment as opposed to completing the important housekeeping details during that first visit!! ?⁣⁣

All of our forms are emailed to you upon booking and are fillable for easy return! They can also be found conveniently on our website! They can be scanned, emailed…heck, we will even graciously accept photos of the forms!! ?⁣⁣

We know this is a bit of work but our goal is to make your initial visit productive, efficient and one that allows us to welcome you to A Body In Motion…just like you were an old friend!!⁣

So please do send us your forms prior to your appointment! We thank you!!! ❤️

#paperwork#medicalforms#questionnaires#helpushelpyou#abodyinmotion#ABIM#physiotherapy#pelvicphysiotherapy#vestibulartherapy#massagetherapy ⁣⁣

We're Moving!


Please note, as of the end of this year our Waterloo clinic at 430 The Boardwalk will be moving to our Kitchener location at 289 Victoria St. North. All our amazing staff and services will be available at the Kitchener location. We look forward to seeing you there!

The ABIM Team

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